Synthesis of Leadership coaching with well-being

What Dr. Sandeep offers is making your leadership journey built around the narrative of the “authentic you”

Works and Days

August 1 — December 1

Theatre of Operations

October 1 — December 1

The Life I Deserve

August 1 — December 1

From Signac to Matisse

October 1 — December 1

“What matters most is to be aware that in this short span of life on this planet, we find our meaning and co-create a purposeful existence for others.”

Dr. Sandeep Kulshrestha, a quintessential lover of great books finds his meaning in reading books, relating his meaning of touching lives of people through the fascinating stories of courage, resilience, clarity, nobility and transcendence that he found in the written word. Dr. Sandeep is a coach, primarily working with those leaders, who want to find their meaning and are obsessed by making others’ lives better. He also teaches Positive Psychology, Human Resources Management, Mindfulness and AI for well-being and also works as a Behavioral and Assessment practitioner.

His view is to change the world, one step at a time!